Karl Hudson is an Entrepreneur, who leverages his skills in SEO & Digital Marketing to build his assets.

“Don’t be scared to fail – Be consistent & disciplined and the results should come, don’t give your word and not follow through.”

Karl Hudson is an entrepreneur who is helping brands succeed online through digital marketing avenues. Karl Hudson also invests in many digital assets and is always looking for more ways to push his skills further.

Simple yet effective techniques…

Let me help you workout your requirements.

Karl Hudson is a leading name in SEO consultancy, known for his top-tier approach.

Karl Hudson guides companies through algorithm changes with his specialised SEO expertise.

over 18 years experience

Karl Hudson is an Entrepreneur who is A Digital Marketing Consultant Who Has Helped Multiple Businesses Reach 7-8 Figure Evaluations…

Karl Hudson’s background is in SEO and Paid Advertising as a whole with a comprehensive approach to digital marketing. His consultancy has provided value for years and is well respected in the digital marketing industry.

Value for money
Over 100,000 hours spent in SEO/Online Marketing
Experience in helping people rank online.
growth planning

Every business needs a plan to grow, I help you establish that plan.

SEO & Technical Expertise

Utilising the years of experience I can get my team involved and help fix countless amounts of SEO errors and come up with a strategy for growth.

Paid Advertising

We can utilise various platforms to help your business grow either via Google Adwords, Bing Ads, or Social Networking Advertising.

Performance & Brand Awareness

We work on improving the performance of your website to improve your brand awareness which could include Digital PR.

Contact Us

Want to chat about a project?

Please feel free to fill in your email and we can chat about your project and anything you may need.

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Some business owners I’ve helped…

Just some of the business owners I’ve helped.

James Dooley

James Dooley

Soft surfaces ltd

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Brian McDaid

Brian McCaid

Owner of Company

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It’s important to make sure you come with a clear plan of action or we develop one.

Utilising the skills that I’ve been developing over 18 years in digital marketing I can help you quickly get to grips with what’s needed to help grow your business.
Karl is one of the best SEO’s and most humble SEO’s in the game. It’s the reason why I’ve partnered with him in so many projects.
James dooley
Karl’s Knowledge & Expertise is some of the best I’ve come across. I’ve worked with him in my business for years we now hit mid-figures annually.
Brian mcCaid
Owner of Company

Why Hire A Consultant?

When working on projects its very easy to get tunnel vision. A consultant can help open your eyes to new ideas and bring a new lease of life which can have a compound effect on your businesses revenue streams.

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Skills I can help you implement into your business structure.

Paid Advertising

Many people overlook paid advertising as they don’t understand the roll it plays and the vital data it can give you. Let me help you action it.

Standard Operating Procedures

I can help you develop a process for building SOPs into your business so you can focus more on growing your business then operating inside it.

Online Reputation Management

Do you have a poor reputation online? Do you need to improve your existing reputation? I can help.

Social media channel

We are quite active on YouTube. Check out our channel.

Images of Karl Hudson

Image of Karl Hudson
Image of Karl Hudson As Estonia SEO Conference.
Karl Hudson with Jack Vivian, Charles Floate, Gareth Simpson & Craig Campbell